I am currently using the Processing programming language for my Collide project. The only other times I have used processing has been under tight tutorials where I simply followed steps, here I will be using Processing nearly independently. I will still be asking for help with troubleshooting and what not, but now I do not have the stabilisers of tutorials and sep to step instructions.
So here is my current position on the Collide brief:
I have finished the archive of my grid work and have saved a number of files as .png and named them. From this point they were ready to be used in Processing. I begun initial developments of my program by creating basic code which randomly cycles through my grid archive at one every second. It was fairly simple to construct once I looked into the functions I needed to use. I used simple string arrays, both local and ones used throughout the program , I also loaded my archive onto them and got the program to read back what was being imputed. Inside the draw and keyPressed functions I then added loops and random pickers to generate the .png files onto the 700x700px canvas.
This was not plain sailing however. I encountered some frustration problems which I had help to solve. What I did not know what that Mac OS and the Finder software generates hidden data which Processing was trying to import and use the same as with he .png files; this would throw up an error which to my eyes, did not exist. So I added a filter so Processing only imported .png files and that problem was solved. I also had to increase the memory allowed for Processing to use. But there is a problem I currently can not find a solution for. I am getting error messages saying some of my images contain “Bad Data” and these images fail to load onto the canvas, creating gaps in the cycle, and I have a similar issue with all my images as they only partially appear, as if data is lost or being missed; I will guess that I will need to export my images in a certain way that works best for Processing, but I can not find any relevant information. This issue remains unsolved for the moment.
In addition to the basic random cycle present in the draw function, I have included other features. One being the ability to interrupt the cycle, which laps every second, by clicking a mouse button. This will generate an image on demand, so for exhibition purposes a user can cycle through images at a pace they like. I plan to include a function to work along with this: I want the user to be able to stop the cycle which would resume to a normal pace after a mouse click. This would be useful if they see an image they like and would like to pause it to examine further, or even reference in the provided archive manual.
Something to also note: It would be wise for me to record the program running int he event it crashes before the exhibition, I can then play the animation as I would have the program, the interaction would be lost, but I would still be able to showcase something.