Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Richard Billingham - Ray’s a Laugh

This particular lecture delivered by Dr Alison Rowley which looked into the work of Richard Billingham, stuck with me. He documented the lives of people in its rawest form, looking into their private home and their personal habits. Its this daily documentation that I found interesting, he captured the details of peoples lives which are usually overlooked and most are not interested in. I do a similar type of photography as a hobby, I capture the often overlooked parts of places which seem interesting just to me, things like the form go buildings on comparison to the relating street signs for example. This photography work is typically edited and stored away with no other purpose, however this archive of photography has come in useful for most of my projects, providing visual content whenever I need it to experiment with techniques or new styles.

Richard Billingham, Ray’s A Laugh, Scalo, Zurich , Berlin, New York, 1996 

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