Monday, 2 November 2015


Throughout my design education I have had goals in the back of my mind which I set myself, the include improving my layouts, knowledge of typography, look into 3D software (this one did not go so well) and one year where I started to draw for a short while. So I thought again for this year I would set myself some more goals but set them in stone on this blog.

- Explore programming and web development more with more of an end game and purpose:

This I have already started to do and have documented here, I have joined the Code Club and am thoroughly enjoying it. I have also began developing a very basic site for my digital formatted broadsheet poster. I am motivated and excited each time I sit down and get my head into code and would also like to look into scripts for Adobe software.

- Last year I focused on improving my design skills, now this year I want to focus on my creative ideas:

This I have already approached this in my Conversation brief where my first idea was to stick with what I knew and creative a simple book with a number of essays on my research findings into A Conversation, however I knew in my gut this would not be good enough; the idea was mundane and the content would have been boring so I went back to the drawing board. From here I came up with a great idea that I was quite enthusiastic about: Type Talk. Type Talk was a fun perspective on typefaces and their styles which with my knowledge gained from my research on A Conversation I could show my understanding of typefaces in a new way. This idea was much more creative and captivating.

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